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Why the Cavapoo?

We have been raising the Cavaliers for over a decade. Before purchasing our first Cavalier, we researched the breed for about 8 years. We loved what we read about the Cavalier. We loved the fact that they are known for being lap dogs, and known for being great family dogs. We are very family oriented. So it was important to us, that they were wonderful with children. After purchasing our first Cavalier, we found that everything we read about them was true. We love the breed even more than we had imagined. In our opinion, they are the PERFECT family dogs. No other breed compares.


We have always loved dogs, and have owned different breeds, as pets. However, for us, when raising, and selling puppies, they need to be a breed that you can honestly, and wholeheartedly recommend to anyone. For us, that is the Cavalier. They are very loving, affectionate, intelligent, eager to please, and loyal. They truly want nothing more than to be by your side. They become your shadow. They are wonderful with children.....the PERFECT family dogs!


We never expected to find another breed that even remotely compared to the Cavalier, in our opinion. Therefore, we never planned on raising anything but the Cavalier.


However, the Cavapoo (½ Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and ½ Poodle) caught our eye. First of all, they are adorable! Also, we loved the fact that the Poodle doesn?t shed. This seemed too good to be true! We have had many people contact us in the past with questions about shedding, and allergies. Cavaliers are average shedding. Regular bathing and brushing helps cut down on the shedding significantly. The Poodles, on the other hand, don?t shed. So when you combine the two, you get a puppy with little to no shedding. Awesome!


This combination also gives you the wonderful Cavalier temperament, with the superior intelligence of the Poodle. They simply make a great combination.


The best part is ?hybrid vigor?. Hybrid vigor is increased vigor or other superior qualities arising from the crossbreeding of genetically different animals. So by crossing the two (Cavalier and Poodle), you get a much healthier puppy, with less likelihood of getting illnesses for which the two breeds are prone.


We have worked VERY hard at improving the health of our line of Cavaliers. We don't breed any that are found to be less than perfect. We have been raising the Cavaliers for well over a decade and are very proud of our Cavaliers. They are VERY healthy. Our veterinarian checks all of our dogs annually to ensure excellent health. He is very aware of the health issues that Cavaliers are prone to, and he checks them extensively, checking joints, hearts and eyes, and checking to see that they are sound for breeding. Our Cavaliers are in excellent health.


Our Poodles are also seen by our vet for a complete physical, prior to being added to our breeding program, in order to ensure excellent health. ALL of our Poodles are very healthy.

We have found the Poodle to be VERY intelligent, very affectionate, and HIGHLY trainable. They are very enjoyable. They actually are quite the characters. They have such quizzical looks, and can be very comical.


As stated in our mission statement, we are always looking to improve the health of our puppies. Our goal is to create the family pet that lasts many years.


Most of our Cavapoo puppies are a first generation cross, or F1 cross (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel bred to a Poodle).


However, we also raise some from a F1B cross, (Cavapoo bred to a Poodle). We decided to raise a few litters from a F1B cross, because we have had several people request a curly coat. In fact, we have found that a "curly coat" is very important to a lot of people. For some it is because they have allergies and feel a curly coat decreases the chances of shedding. For others, they simply love that curly "teddy bear" look.


Cavapoos that are from a F1 cross are 1/2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and 1/2 Poodle. We have found that the coat varies a lot. All will have at least a wavy coat, with some being more curly than others....but the curl comes later, so we can't really anticipate what the coat will look like....other than it will at least be wavy. Additionally, everyone's definition of "curly" is different. What seems curly to me, might only seem wavy to you.


We also have a lot of people with allergies contact us, needing a non shed coat. All of our Cavapoos will have a very low shed to non shed coat. However, the F1B cross (Poodle bred to Cavapoo) does give a better chance of a non-shed coat. This cross also provides a more curly coat.


We will ALWAYS make it known whether our available Cavapoo puppies are from a F1 cross or F1B cross. We also always mention the parents of the puppies.


So whether you are looking for a Cavalier or Cavapoo I'm sure we have the perfect puppy for you!

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