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We are a family residing in the Ozarks. Cheryl worked in banking and Rick worked as a teacher and football coach, before raising our Cavaliers and Cavapoos. Cheryl researched Cavaliers for over eight years before she finally made the plunge. Cavaliers, like most breeds come with many caveats, but after our first purchase we quickly realized that the positive far out weigh the negative. The temperament was perfect. We were looking for the ultimate family dog. One that would be great with kids, curls up on your lap for a movie, yet is up for anything including a run around the yard or a good hike. This perfectly describes the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Our dogs are members of the family. We enjoy them, or we would not have them. They do not live in cages and most of the time are right with us. Since devoting ourselves to this endeavor, we rarely take a vacation, as we don't leave them unattended for any length of time. On the rare occasion that we do go on vacation, it is a very brief one, and the dogs are left under the care of trusted family members. We believe in doing what you do to the best of your ability, and that includes our Cavaliers and Cavapoos. They enjoy not only our immediate family, but our extended family and friends, as well. They enjoy hot dog roasts, and don't let their regal looks fool you; they love a romp in the snow.

We don't want to have too many as to not be able to socialize with them every day. Grooming, cleaning, training and providing socialization is a full time job. That makes for some tough decisions some times when it comes to giving some away, when the perfect home comes along. We have given away a couple of dogs to a very sweet woman from Texas that drove all the way to Missouri twice to meet her new companions. She has been so wonderful to update us continuously on their exploits. We have never, and will never euthanize one of our beloved companions just because they no longer produce puppies. They all have their own personalities, quirks and entertaining uniqueness. It will be very sad when they grow old and pass. Until that day they are counting on us and we want only the best for them.

When our Cavaliers are bred, it is for health, temperament, and standard. The standard being the perfect specimen, is impossible for anyone to really truly achieve but is always the goal. Even top champions in each breed are never truly perfect, but the goal is to strive for that elusive perfection. Our breeding stock is very important to us. We have invested a considerable amount of money in dogs that we were never able to breed because we felt that they were not good candidates for reaching the goal. 

We have five beautiful children. We adopted two of our children from The Republic of South Korea, and three were adopted domestically. They are our sunshine, and love of our life. Our passion for adoption is great. Rick has taken a pause from coaching football and teaching, to be blessed with more time with our wonderful children. We are so blessed to have this time as a family.

Although we breed our Cavaliers and Cavapoos professionally; making money is not our primary goal. We do not sell to brokers or pet stores. We only sell our puppies to individuals that we feel would provide a loving home. We do not breed our dogs every cycle, and love them too much to breed them if they are not ready to be mothers again. We love what we do.  Happy is the man who makes his avocation his vocation?. We have always loved dogs. We love their companionship, and devoted loyalty. We absolutely love watching someone take one of our little guys home with them and discover the truly amazing companionship a Cavalier or Cavapoo can give them. They truly must be experienced to be appreciated. They are the ultimate family dogs.

We are proud of our breeding program. We stay with our mama dogs during the birthing process, delivering each puppy. Our puppies are delivered in our home, and stay in our home, with constant care for the first week or two. Then they go to our puppy nursery with their mama, until weaning. We assess the prospective parents before each breeding. A happy dog is a healthy dog. Our Cavaliers have a 3 acre fenced yard for them to enjoy as well as lots of toys. 

Since adding the Cavapoos, we also have a few Poodles. They are wonderful dogs, too. They are HIGHLY intelligent, and are eager to learn. We love our Poodles.

We have an excellent veterinarian, who is dedicated to teaching. He is a very talented small animal vet, who has a love for animals, and is always willing to answer our questions.

We take great care of our dogs, bathing, grooming, training, etc. They enjoy runs in our 3 acre fenced yard. Each of our dogs enjoys lap time as well. We feel that a happy dog is a healthy one. Their happiness is VERY important to us.

We have never, and will never sell a sick puppy. It would not be good for either party involved. We receive great joy in hearing how clean and healthy customer's puppies are when they arrive home. We have been complimented by several customer's veterinarians, with some buying a puppy for themselves from us. We have an excellent, thoroughly researched, medical program that we feel ensures great health. We do not skimp or spare expense when it comes to the health of our puppies or our adult dogs, and our veterinarian knows this.

Most of our business is from repeat customers or referrals, probably at least 80%. We have testimonials posted on our website. However, we can also provide references upon request. We enjoy hearing what someone is looking for in a puppy, and helping them find the perfect fit for their family. It is very important for us to treat everyone fairly. We treat people the way we would want to be treated. We enjoy a great relationship with so many of our customers, and feel so blessed to have met so many interesting and wonderful people. They have been so kind to send us pictures of our little puppies that have found their new home. After delivering, raising, caring for, and several naps on your lap, it is hard not to become very attached to these little puppies, and wonderful customers have kept the pictures and stories flowing. We love it!

Check us out on Instagram for more videos and pics!!!!


Copyright since 2006 ã Spring Valley Cavaliers. All rights reserved.

All pictures and content are property of Spring Valley Cavaliers and may not be used unless given written consent.

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