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1. Will I receive updates on my puppy during my wait? Will I receive updated pictures?

Yes, you will receive updates on your puppy. After the puppies are born, I take a set of newborn pics. The second set of pics is taken when they open their eyes, which is typically around 16 days of age. After that point I take new pics every two weeks. We feel that the pics help with the wait. In addition to updated pics, we also send updates as temperament develops. We also keep our customers updated on the health of their puppy, and update after their physical exam with our veterinarian. The weaning process is also something that we keep our customers updated on.

2. Can I ask you questions as they arise, even after my puppy is home?

Absolutely! We are always here to answer any questions you have, whether it be during the wait for your puppy's arrival, or after his/her arrival.

3. Do you ship your puppies?

Yes. We ship via Ozark Jet a Pet and have had excellent luck with them, with not one bad experience. Our puppies always arrive happy, healthy and still smelling sweet from their baths. We typically ship on Fridays, but can also ship on Tuesdays, as long as someone is home with the puppy during the day. It is important to watch your puppy closely, especially during the first few days of the transition. An appetite decrease is common during the transition to a new home. So it is important to make sure your puppy is eating well, and that is difficult to do if you are at work. Because of this, we prefer to ship on Fridays IF your puppy will be home alone during the day through the week. This gives you an entire weekend to monitor your new puppy's eating.

We can ship to most major airports. Shipping is an additional $450.00. Pick up location varies. I make the reservation online with Ozark Jet a Pet a week prior to shipping. They typically have the flight plan to me within 3 days or so of shipping. So you do have a few days notice, in order to plan for picking up your puppy. Included in your flight plan will be the airline, flight number, pick up location, arrival time and air way bill number. Your puppy will arrive in a pet carrier type of crate, that is yours to keep. You won't need to bring a crate with you to the airport.

We also use a pet courier that drives the puppies and delivers to your home.  Her fee varies depending on your location.  She is excellent!

4. When can my puppy come home?

Our puppies can typically go home at 9 weeks of age, as long as they are eating dry puppy food well. Most are ready by this time, but some of the smaller ones need a bit more time.

5. Can I fly in to pick up my puppy?

Yes. Some people prefer to fly with their puppy. There are a couple of options can fly in to the St. Louis airport, and Ozark Jet a Pet will meet you at the airport with your puppy. The fee for this service is $80.00. Or you can rent a car and drive to Marshfield, MO to pick up your puppy.

6. Can I pick up my puppy?

Yes, you can pick up your puppy.  

7. Do you guarantee your puppies?

Yes, we offer a one year guarantee for our puppies for life threatening, genetic defects. Our puppy guarantee/contract is posted on our website.

8. When will I receive the paperwork?

We email the paperwork, typically the day before you puppy comes home. We make sure you receive the paperwork prior to your puppy's arrival.

9. What is included in the paperwork?

You will receive a detailed medical record, puppy care guide, potty training tips, a signed puppy guarantee/contract, as well as more info regarding your puppy's adjustment to his/her new home.

10. Will my puppy come home current on vaccinations?

Yes. All puppies will have age appropriate vaccinations, as well has have received many preventatives, including preventatives for Giardia and Coccidia.

11.  Do you have an application process?

No, we don't have an application process. It is just important to us, that our puppies are going to very loving homes, that will treat them very well. In addition, we ask that our family be treated with respect, as we treat all of our customers.

12. Have you ever refused to sell a puppy to someone?

Yes. We reserve the right to choose the homes for our puppies. If we feel it isn't a good fit, whether it be due to someone giving us cause to feel that they wouldn't properly care for the puppy, or someone not giving our family the proper respect.....we will deny the puppy purchase request. We have been very blessed with wonderful customers. So this is extremely rare, but does occasionally happen, at our discretion.

13. Are the puppies seen by a veterinarian?

Yes, our puppies are seen by our veterinarian prior to going to their new homes, in order to ensure excellent health.

14. Are your adult dogs (mamas and daddies) seen by your veterinarian?

Yes. Our veterinarian comes to our home annually and gives each breeder a complete physical. He checks their eyes, ears, teeth, joints and he listens to their hearts. He is checking for overall health, but also for soundness of breeding. All of our breeders are in excellent health. If a health issue is found, that dog would be immediately retired.

15. Can I bring my puppy back if it doesn't work out?

Yes, you can bring your puppy back if it doesn't work out. However, no refund will be given.

We are looking for loving, committed families for our puppies. Adding a puppy to your family should be a life time commitment. One should take it seriously, and take the time to consider the time commitment as well as financial commitment, in order to see if you are up for it. A puppy will provide your family with years of irreplaceable companionship. They truly are a joy and will entertain your family with that unconditional love that only a Canine will give.

16. What do you feed your puppies?

We feed Nutri Source puppy food. Here is the link.

17. Are your puppies well socialized?

Absolutely! That is the fun part! Our puppies are VERY well socialized. We have five children. Our children love to play with the dogs/puppies, and even help with the training. We have pics of past puppies as well as puppy socialization videos posted on our website.

18. What type of environment do your puppies/dogs live in?

Our puppies are born in our home. They stay in our home for 24 hour monitoring for the first week or two. At that time they go to our puppy nursery with their mamas. They stay here until we wean them. At that time, they have lots of inside and outside playtime (weather permitting). This is when we start the potty training process, as well as continued socialization (which truly starts at birth). Our puppy nursery is heated and air conditioned. The mama dogs have doggie doors, so they can come and go as they please.

Our adult dogs also have a heated and air conditioned area, with doggie doors so they can come and go as they please. In addition, we have 2 and 1/2 acres of yard fenced for the dogs to enjoy. We have pictures of our facilities posted on our website.

19. Do you have references?

We have testimonials posted on our website, as well as our puppyfind listings. In addition, we can provide references upon request.

20. How do I potty train my puppy?

We start the potty training process with all of our puppies. However, the consistent training must be continued. We highly recommend crate training. Heavy supervision is key with potty training your puppy. We have some very detailed potty training tips posted on our website. I think you will find them very helpful.

21. What do I need to prepare for my puppy?

We have some info regarding puppy food, toys, etc. posted on our website on a link titled "preparing for your puppy".

22. I love one of your puppies. What are the next steps?

We require a $300.00 non refundable deposit to hold a puppy. The remaining balance is due the week prior to shipping or when you pick up your puppy. If you are a MO resident, we also have to charge MO sales tax, which is 6.308%.

In addition to the above questions, we do have more info posted on our website that I feel you will find helpful. Including info about us, our family, and our breeding practices. Hopefully this answers your questions about us and the process, but if you have more questions, please feel free to ask.

Thanks so much!

Spring Valley Cavaliers

Check us out on Instagram for more videos and pics!!!!


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